
We are tremendously grateful to all of our generous supporters, but especially to those organizations whose ongoing support for our mission has allowed us to continue providing excellent programs for teachers, students, and communities across Minnesota.

Without the financial support of these organizations, the Minnesota Council on Economic Education (MCEE) would not be able to offer its programs free to students.

Additionally, the Minnesota Council on Economic Education (MCEE) is grateful for the longtime support of the University of Minnesota. In particular, the relationship between MCEE and the Department of Applied Economics in the College of Food, Agriculture, and Natural Resource Sciences is one that MCEE deeply appreciates.

Our Supporters

Thank you for your continued support of MCEE's mission. We would not be able to reach Minnesota teachers, students, and communities without you! Contributions are for MCEE FY2023, July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023. 


Including corporate matching gifts

      Global Food Challenge

     College Dollars & Sense, Personal Finance Decathlon

     Heartland Economics Challenge

     College Dollars & Sense, Personal Finance Decathlon

      Personal Finance Decathlon

     Twin Cities, Urban Regional and State Economics Challenges

     College Dollars & Sense


Individual Donors

The Minnesota Council on Economic Education takes transparency seriously and undergoes rigorous annual reviews to ensure that donors can trust the work we do.